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Kingdoms Live Land Guide

Land Overview
Owning land is the only way to generate recurring Gold Flow Income in Kingdoms Live. Generally, the income from your lands will significantly exceed that earned from fighting or quests. If you want to succeed at the higher levels, it is essential that you understand how to maximize your income.

The income provided by lands is earned every 50 (Human) or 60 (Elf, Orc) minutes depending on your character's race. This occurs whether or not you or actively playing. Upkeep costs are automatically deducted at the same time.

Return on Investment (ROI)
The key to maximizing your income from land is understanding the concept of ROI. If you view land as an investment of your Gold, then the ROI on that investment is equal to the income provided by that land divided by its current cost. This number is commonly expressed as a percentage and indicates the rate of return for that particular land. When choosing which land to buy, you should always choose the one that provides the highest available ROI in order to maximize your investment and income.

The cost of each type of land increases by 10% with each purchase, decreasing its ROI. This provides incentive to advance in level in order to unlock additional land types that provide a higher ROI.

Land Analysis
As you can see from the list below, the initial ROI of land unlocked at the higher levels is lower than the initial ROI of land found at the lower levels. This is by design as it is expected that as you unlock additional land types, you will have already established a rapidly growing income stream that makes it easier to afford the more expensive lands. Also, as the ROI of each type of land lowers with each additional purchase, it will eventually reach a point where the ROI of the higher level lands are higher than that of your current lands.

Strategic Recommendations
The highest income land in Kingdoms Live is the Gold Mine which is unlocked at Level 60 and provides an income of 15,000 gold per income cycle. When you consider that the Death Curse spell has a 8,000 gold upkeep, it is clear that continually improving your gold flow is critical in order to afford the best armory items.

Note that there is a large level gap between the Shipyard (Level 20), Castle Keep (Level 30), Royal Castle (Level 40), Royal Trade Route (Level 50), Gold Mine (Level 60). At the minimum, I recommend that your ROI on all existing lands drops below the next available land before you level.

Example: If you are currently Level 20, your ROI on the Shipyard and all lower income lands should be below 1.0% (the starting ROI on the Castle Keep) before you reach level 30. 

Of course this depends upon each player's strategy and some player's take this to the extreme by "camping" at certain levels and continuing to build their income stream despite the rapidly declining ROI %. The objective is to build as large an income stream as possible so that the player is easily able to acquire any newly unlocked equipment and/or lands.

To effectively utilize this strategy, it is important to drastically slow down your leveling by not attacking other players or completing quests. Also, you should focus all of your equipment purchases on items with low upkeep and high defense values.

TIP: Camp out at Level 10,15,20 and/or 30 as long as possible until you reach your target ROI. It may be tempting to race to level 60 in order to unlock the Gold Mine, but the army size and strength of your opponents drastically increases after level 30. Personally, I waited until my existing lands had an ROI below 0.3%.

Unless your income stream is very low, I would not recommend using the vault due to the 10% charge. Basically, if your total losses per hour average less than 10% of your income stream, then it makes more financial sense to keep your money out of the vault.

Kingdoms Live Spreadsheet
The Kingdoms Live Spreadsheet contains all the information on available lands and calculates ROI automatically for you along with purchase recommendations.

Kingdoms Live Lands Table
The following is a list of all available lands in Kingdoms Live along with their costs, income, ROI, and level they become available:

Land Level Income Initial Cost Initial ROI
Farm 1 1 50 2.0%
Lumber Mill 1 5 250 2.0%
Tavern 1 12 650 1.85%
Stone Quarry 2 50 2,800 1.78%
Barracks 4 150 9,000 1.67%
Blacksmith 7 250 14,000 1.78%
Temple 10 800 50,000 1.6%
Village 15 1,400 100,000 1.4%
Shipyard 20 2,200 180,000 1.22%
Castle Keep 30 3,200 320,000 1.0%
Royal Castle 40 4,500 540,000 0.83%
Royal Trade Route 50 6,200 1,250,000 0.49%
Gold Mine 60 15,000 4,000,000 0.37%



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