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 World War Game Basics and FAQ

What is World War?
World War is a MMO developed by Storm 8 that is available from the iTunes store for the iPhone and Touch.

How much does it cost?
World War is currently FREE.

What makes World War different?
World War introduces the concept of defensive buildings and casualties. These two elements add a new twist to the classic Storm 8 formula and have to be taken into account when developing a playing strategy. 

What is the objective of the game?
There are no predefined objectives for the game. It is up to each player to set their own goals and objectives. This can take many forms including:
  • Character Level
  • Fight Record
  • Money Flow
  • Missions Completed
  • etc.
What are the different character types available?
Rather than choosing a type of character, in World War you choose a country to represent. Each of the five countries offers a bonus to specific unit types with the exception of Russia which gains energy faster. Keep in mind that you can not attack your own country members but you can form alliances with other countries.
  • Germany: Bonus to Ground Units.
  • UK: Bonus to Water Units.
  • USA: Bonus to Air Units.
  • USA: Bonus to Infantry Units.
  • USA: Gains Energy Faster
Character Status Indicators
On your main screen, you will see indicators of your character's current condition.
  • (1) Money: The amount of Money you currently have (not including amount in the bank).
  • (2) Experience: Your current experience points and the number required to reach the next level.
  • (3) Level: Your character's current Level.
  • (4) Health: Health is an indication of your character's current health status. It goes down whenever you attack or are attacked by another player. If it falls under 27 you are unable to attack or be attacked by other players.
  • (5) Energy: Energy is used to complete Missions. It is automatically regenerated on a timer.
  • (6) Ammo: Ammo is used when you initiate an attack against another player. Each attack requires one ammo point. It is automatically regenerated on a timer.

Game Timers
World War is a real time MMO that continues to run even when you are not actively playing. Each time a particular game timer counts down to 0, it starts over again. I refer to this as one cycle. Game timers continually regenerate your Health, Energy and Ammo points up to their maximum. You will also receive your current Money Flow Income every cycle.
  • (1) Money Flow Timer: Receive your income every 60 minutes.
  • (4) Health Timer: Regenerate 1 point every 3 minutes.
  • (5) Energy Timer: Regenerate 1 point every 5 minutes except for Russia (4 minutes).
  • (6) Ammo Timer: Regenerate 1 point every 2 minutes for all countries.
Character Level and Experience
What are the benefits of increasing my Level?
Every time you increase your character level, you will gain:
  • 3 Additional Skill Points
  • Ability to use 5 additional alliance members when fighting
  • Full recharge of your Health, Energy and Ammo points.
An increase in level may also:
  • Unlock additional Missions
  • Unlock additional Buildings
  • Unlock additional Units
How do I increase my Character's Level?
Your level is increased by earning experience points. Each level has an increasing experience point requirement.

How do I earn Experience?
You can earn experience by completing missions, successfully attacking another player or successfully defending an attack by another player.

There are five types of skills:
  • Attack: Increases your ability to attack other players. Initially begins at 1.
  • Defense: Increases your ability to defend attacks by other players. Initially begins at 1.
  • Max Energy: Increases your maximum Energy points. Initially begins at 100. Each additional skill point increases your Energy by 10.
  • Max Health: Increases your maximum Health points. Initially begins at 100. Each additional skill point increases your Health by 10.
  • Max Ammo: Increases your maximum Ammo points. Initially begins at 3. Requires 2 skill points to increase by 1.

How do I increase my Skills?
Every time your character increases one level, 3 additional skill points are available for you to allocate as you wish. Once a skill point is allocated, it cannot be changed.

Money and Buildings
Money is used to buy Units, Buildings and Restore your health.

How do I earn Money?
Money can be earned by completing missions, successfully attacking another player and earning income from buildings.

There are 3 categories of buildings in World War:
  • Income Buildings: Buildings that generate income for you every cycle.
  • Defense Buildings: Buildings that add to your Defense Score.
  • Energy Buildings: Buildings that increase the amount of Energy you gain every cycle.
Every additional income and defense building that you buy costs 10% more than the previous building of the same type. For energy buildings, you are limited to only 1 of each type.

Buildings are unlocked as you advance in level and can be sold for 50% of their original purchase price.

Money Flow
Money flow is an indication of how much income you earn every cycle. Each income building provides a specific income that is added to your Money Flow. Upkeep costs are automatically deducted from this amount.

Units are used by your character when attacking or defending against other players. They are bought with money (not in the vault) and can be sold for 50% of their original purchase price. Some units have an associated upkeep cost that is automatically deducted from your money flow every cycle. Additional unit types becomes available as you increase in level.

Units are one of the most commonly misunderstood elements of World War. Although there are 4 categories of units (Ground, Water, Air, Infantry), they should all be treated as belonging to the same category. This is because every alliance member can use 3 units regardless of category. The best available unit (for either attacking or defending) is automatically used - it does not matter if they are all from the same category.

Some units have an Upkeep requirement. This upkeep amount is automatically deducted from your income every cycle. If you do not have enough income to cover your upkeep costs (negative income) then your units will be automatically sold every cycle until your income turns positive again.

Missions are a way to earn experience, money, and loot. They each have individual requirements in terms of Energy, Alliance Size, Units and Level. Completing missions can potentially result in casualties. Additional missions are unlocked depending on your character's level.

By attacking other players, you can earn experience points and money. You must have a minimum of 27 health and 1 ammo point to initiate an attack. You can also be attacked as long as you have a minimum of 27 health points whether or not you are online. Every fight that takes place has the potential for casualties on both sides.

It is important to understand the way fighting works in order to successfully attack another player or defend against an attack.

For detailed information, see the World War Fighting Strategy Guide.

My Alliance and Recruiting
Your Alliance plays an important role in World War. Alliance members are used whenever you fight. The maximum number of alliance members used in each fight is equal to 5 times your current level.

For example, if you are level 10, then up to 50 alliance members are used whenever you attack or defend. Extra alliance members are not taken into account.

Alliance Code
This is a code unique to each player. It is used to recruit other members into your alliance.

You can invite other players into your alliance if you know their Alliance Code. Alternatively, other players can invite you if they enter your personal Alliance Code. These invitations must be manually accepted or rejected.

My Alliance
Here you can view the members in your alliance and (optionally) remove them.

Loot units are special units that cannot be purchased within the game. They can be randomly earned by completing specific missions. Be aware that they can also be lost as casualties during fights.

Occasionally, Storm 8 provides special Loot units that can be unlocked by installing products from the iTunes store.

You can deposit your money into the vault for safe keeping. There is a 10% charge for this service that is automatically deducted from the amount deposited. Money that is in the vault cannot be lost when you are attacked and can be used to restore your character. However, it must be taken out of the vault in order to buy units and buildings.

You can recharge your Health to the maximum by selecting Restore. Cost depends on your level and must be paid from the vault.

Honor Points and the President
Honor Points
Honor points are spent at the President and can be purchased through the iTunes store or at

At the President, you have the option to use honor points for:
  • Money (10 points). Amount you receive depends on your current income.
  • Refilling Energy, Ammo or Health (10 points). Automatically recharges selection to maximum.
  • Add 1 alliance member (20 points)
  • Change your name (30 points)
  • Change your country (50 points)

News Feed
Shows a summary of your recent fighting activity and personal comments left on your account.

You can broadcast messages to all members of your alliance or view messages from your alliance members.

You can send or receive personal messages from other players through the Comments section. They do not have to be members of your alliance.

World War Fighting Strategy Guide

Fighting Overview
The availability of Defense Buildings and, to a lesser extent, casualties adds an extra layer of strategy to fighting in World War. The typical Storm 8 two minute Ammo timer also exists in World War, making fighting the most effective way to gain experience in the game.

There are several factors taken into account in a fight:
  • Alliance Size: Number of alliance members brought into the fight by each player.
  • Units: The attack or defense point value of the units used by each player in the fight.
  • Defense Buildings: The total defense point value of the defense buildings used by the defender in the fight.
  • Skills: The attack or defense skill points of the respective players.
  • Luck: A random chance factor just to keep things interesting.
Extra alliance members and units are not used in calculating fight results.

In order to initiate an attack against another player, you must have at least 1 Ammo Point and a minimum of 27 Health.

A successful attack generally earns you anywhere from 2 to 5 experience points. Additionally, if your opponent has any money that is not in the vault, you can earn up to ~1950 * their current character level. A failed attack results in 0 experience but you do not lose any money. Keep in mind that every attack has the possibility of casualties for your attacking units.

As long as you have 27 health or higher, you can be attacked by another player.

A successful defense generally earns you 1 to 2 experience points. You can not earn money by defending and, if you lose against an attacker, you can lose up to ~1950 * your current character level in money that is not in the vault. Every time you defend against an attack, there is the possibility of casualties for your defending units.

Calculating Fight Results
Although the exact fight formula is unknown, it can be approximated by understanding each of the factors involved in a fight.

  • Attack/Defense Points: The total attack/defense point value of the units that you use into a fight.
  • Defense Buildings: The total defense point value of the buildings used by defender to defend their base.
  • Skill Points: Each player's current attack or defense skill points.
  • Total Attack/Defense Score: The calculated total point value based upon your attack/defense points and skill points.
Total Attack Score = Unit Attack Points * (a % of your Attack Skill Points)
Total Defense Score = (Unit Defense Points + Building Defense Points) * (a % of your Defense Skill Points)

Alliance Size
It is important to remember that you can only bring up to 5x your current level in alliance members into any fight. This restriction is enforced both when you are attacking and defending regardless of the level or alliance size of your opponent.

Example: A Level 14 player with 400 alliance members will only use 70 members in a fight.

Unit Attack/Defense Points
The number of units that you can utilize in a fight is directly tied to the number of alliance members that you can bring into the fight. In World War, each alliance member can use up to 3 units. It does not matter what category the unit belongs to.

Each of these units has an attack and defense point value that is used to calculate your total attack or defense points in a fight.
  • Attack: Used to calculate your Attack points when Attacking
  • Defense: Used to calculate your Defense points when Defending
The game automatically uses the best units (regardless of category) when you are attacking or defending. When attacking, units with the highest attack points are automatically used - the defense points of the unit used is not taken into account. Conversely, when defending, units with the highest defense points are automatically used regardless of their attack points.

Example: I am level 25 and have 400 alliance members. I own 500 Snipers (Atk 3, Def 5) and 500 Navy Seals (Atk 5, Def 4). When attacking another player, I will use 125 alliance members (5*25) and 375 Navy Seals (3*125) for a total of 1875 attack points (375*5). When defending against another player, I will use 125 alliance members and 375 Snipers for a total of 1875 defense points (375*5).

This calculated attack or defense point value largely determines the outcome of a fight. The player with the higher value will usually win.

Defense Buildings
Although this basic fight formula still applies, the availability of Defense Buildings in World War adds additional defense points for the defender that must be taken into account. The total defense points of a defender's buildings needs to be added to their total in order to get an accurate gauge of their defensive strength.

Example: If I own 10 Bunkers (+3 Def) and 5 Guard Tower (+10 Def), when I am attacked my base will provide an additional 80 Defense Points.

Tip: If you can afford them, purchase as many defense buildings as possible. There is no limit and they have no upkeep costs.

Your character's current attack and defense skill points also play a role in fights. Similar to units, only your attack skill is used when attacking and only your defense skill is used when defending. Keep in mind that the skills of your alliance members do not matter.

While the exact formula is unknown, my testing has shown that your skill points serve as a multiplier to your total attack or defense points in a fight. 

While the results of most fights are fairly predictable once you understand how attack points and skills are calculated, there is still some randomness involved. It is not uncommon to win 3 fights in a row against an opponent and then lose the next one (all other factors unchanged). This "luck" tends to play a greater role when the two players are closely matched in terms of points.

Whenever a fight takes place, the units used by both players can become casualties and permanently lost. This occurs randomly with the higher priced units having a lower casualty rate than the lower priced units. Because of this, it makes sense to purchase extra units just in case you are unable to actively replace lost units.

Opponent Selection
In World War, you CANNOT attack players from the same country as yourself. Against other countries, you can generally only fight against players that are similar to you in level and alliance size. This restriction does not apply to units and skill points. Also, both players must have a minimum of 27 health in order for a fight to take place.

animated military soldier
When attacking, you have a significant advantage because you can choose your opponent. By looking at their alliance size, units and defense buildings, you can predetermine the outcome of most fights.

Generally, the attack process begins through the Battle button on the home screen. Pressing this brings up a list of randomly selected opponents that are similar to you in level and alliance size (for exceptions, see Open Season). Each of the opponents has their alliance size listed and their name can be clicked on to view their profile. This profile screen contains a list of all their units and buildings.

By analyzing this information and comparing it to your own, you should already have a good idea if you can defeat them in a fight.

When defending, you can only rely upon having a high total defensive score. The availability of Defense Buildings makes it much easier to increase your defensive capabilities without increasing your upkeep costs and it is recommended that you invest in as many as possible.

If you find that you are losing a high percentage of fights, it may make sense to vault your money so it can not be lost. Also, keeping your health under 27 prevents you from being attacked.

Open Season
At the higher levels, you may suddenly see your fight list populated with players that fall out of the normal restricted range. This occurs because there are fewer players at the higher levels and the game automatically extends the range of available opponents in order to populate the list. While this may seem unfair, it is a part of the game and occurs because you have leveled faster than the majority of other players.

When this occurs, it is recommended that you maximize your alliance size and, depending upon your income stream, buy more powerful units and/or additional defense buildings. This will increase your chances against higher level opponents.

Strategy Tips
These are some general tips based upon my own experiences:

Alliance Size
There is no advantage at the earlier levels to having a large alliance. The game automatically restricts players with large alliances from attacking players with smaller alliances. Keeping your alliance smaller has the added benefit of limiting your upkeep costs and allowing for a larger income stream.

Experience and money earned from fights remains the same so, as long as your fight list contains players with similar alliance sizes, it is not necessary to increase your alliance size. However, once you hit the higher levels, the game automatically increases the range of opponents that can attack you. When this occurs, you should increase or max out the number of members in your alliance.

I personally like to start with 9 alliance members and only increase the number if absolutely necessary.

Defense Buildings
Defense buildings are an ideal purchase because they have no upkeep costs and are added to your defense score whenever you are attacked. I recommend purchasing as many as you can afford as it will allow you to allocate more of your money toward attack units without having to worry about their defense points.

Skill Points
In World War, defense buildings makes some opponents extremely difficult to successfully attack. Although it is still recommended to allocate points to defense, I recommend putting as many points as possible toward Attack. You can compensate for lower defense skill points with defense buildings.

Units (also see the World War Units Strategy Guide)
Remember that each alliance member (up to 5 per level) can use 3 units each (regardless of unit category). Make sure that every alliance member has at least 3 units that they can use in a fight.




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